Flying With Your Pet

Flying With Your Pet

Travel / By roswellweenie

Thinking of taking your pet on a trip soon but want to be prepared? I got you! Roswell and I have flown together on four different flights, and I’ve flown with other dogs many times as well. I’m definitely not an expert but have a some experience and tips that may be helpful on your trip. For a 15-second overview, click here for my Instagram Reel on this topic!

Here are my do’s and don’t’s of flying with your (non-service animal, non-emotional support animal [ESA]), dog.

Roswell on his way to security before his first ever flight!


  • Make sure you buy your dog’s ticket right away! Many airlines only allow a limited number of pets on a plane at one time, and while they typically don’t fill up, you don’t want to risk it.
  • Research your airline’s rules for flying with pets. Each airline and country has different rules for what they require you to bring and do during the flight. A common example of what you’ll need to bring is your dog’s updated vaccine records.
  • Buy a carrier that fits your airline’s requirements. Our favorite is by Mr. Peanut’s, but take close note of the measurements for fitting under your airline’s seats.
  • Get your dog comfortable in their airplane carrier. Especially if they aren’t used to being crated, make sure you spend ample time getting your dog used to it’s carrier prior to your trip. Make being in the carrier a nice experience by rewarding them while in there (read: treats). They’re going to need to be in this small carrier for a long time, the whole time at the airport and the entire flight, so you’ll want to make sure they are happy and comfortable.
  • Visit your vet. You’ll want to make sure your dog is healthy and ready to fly.
  • Get to the airport a bit earlier than you normally do. There’s not much to do extra in the airport with a pet, just making sure they are checked in and get through security with you. Tip: you’ll be required to put your dog’s carrier on the belt through the x-ray machine, while you and your dog and walk through security together.
  • Make sure your dog has gone potty right before getting to the airport. Most airports have a doggie potty area inside now, but we always just do it outside right before walking in. Make sure you know your dog and how long they can hold their potty typically. Will they be fine the duration of your flight plus airport time?


  • Take your dog out of it’s carrier in the airport or on the plane. Some airlines allow your dog to sit on your lap inside it’s carrier when not taking off or landing (which is awesome!), but always follow what the staff ask you to do.
  • Medicate your dog without talking to your vet first! Our first flight with Roswell was rough for him, so before his second flight we talked with his vet who prescribed us something to ease his anxiety.
  • Worry too much! Airline workers are almost always so helpful throughout the experience.
Tired after a long flight from Orlando to Boston.

What to pack:

  • Baggie of favorite treats
  • Pop-up bowl for water and/or a meal if needed
  • One meal of dog food
  • Reusable water bottle to fill in airport
  • Collar, harness, leash
  • Poop bags
  • A small amount of paper towels/napkins/cloth – we always end up spilling a little water on the plane when trying to get Roswell to drink, and it’s nice to have something to dry it up with.
  • Your dog’s identification – whether that’s an ID card from your vet, their microchip info, or something else.
  • Anything required by your airline (i.e vaccination records, etc.)

And You’re Off!

Now you’re good to go! Leave a comment with any questions you have, we’re always happy to help. Have fun!

Sperry getting ready for his flight!
Transporting baby Maggie to her home in Florida

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Chrissy

    I’ve never done it but helpful info if I ever do!! 🐶❤

  2. Michele

    I am taking my morkie to Mexico, he got his carrier today and he loved being inside it. I hope everything goes well, I have called the airlines to make sure that I have everything set but I have to be honest, I am a bit nervous.

    1. roswellweenie

      Have fun! I think it’s normal to be nervous, but I’m sure everything will be totally fine. Roswell is not a fan of flying but everything always goes well and the staff is usually very accommodating.

  3. Ben

    Thank you for this! Very helpful indeed….
    Does this apply to international flights too outside the US like Canada for example?

    1. roswellweenie

      Everything is dependent on your airline and location. You’ll definitely need to look up the airline for specific rules regarding that airline and country or state, as they all vary.

  4. Dana Rodocker

    What size carrier did you get? I have a mini-long haired Doxie too. I’m not sure if I should get the mini or the standard carrier from Mr. Peanuts.

    1. roswellweenie

      I would start by making sure the size fits with the airline you are choosing to use – they are all different! Next I would measure your dog and choose the largest size you can that will still fit under the seat, making sure your dog isn’t too big for that size 🙂

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